SkittleMC Network Rules
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Leaking Personal Info
Punishment: Permanent Ban
Leaking someone’s personal information is a violation of privacy, and can potentially be dangerous to them in some cases.
Leaking someone’s specific location (city, address, coordinates), contact information, social media (against their wishes), or explicit pictures (nudity) is punishable with a permanent ban, regardless of how this information was acquired.
Staff Impersonation/Faking Server Systems
Punishment: Kick, Temporary Ban, or Permanent Ban.
Claiming to be a staff member when you are not
Changing your Suffix/Nickname/etc to something that would lead people to believe you are a staff member when you are not
Doing something to mimic a server plugin/system
IP Logging/Phishing/DDoS Threats
Punishment: Permanent Ban.
This is illegal in most countries with a stable government.
Threatening to DDoS or DoX someone.
Attempting to collect passwords, personal info, or IPs by posting a suspicious link.
Punishment: Permanent Ban.
You are not allowed to charge back on any purchases.
Charging back on purchases will result in an automated permanent ban until the money is returned.
If someone else purchased something for you and charged back, you may be able to appeal to be unbanned, but you will not keep the item.
Punishment: Temporary or Permanent Ban.
No big-name server allows this. It hurts the server and can lead players to potentially dangerous places.
Posting an IP or server site through any on-server means (signs, books, /msg, chat, etc) is punishable with a permban.
Attempting to sell your Minecraft Account on the server is punishable with a ban.
Posting pornographic links or advertising pornsites will result in a mute or ban.
Mentioning other servers can be punishable with a mute.
Excessively advertising Youtube or Twitch channels from a non-associate can be punishable with a mute.
Mute/Ban Evasion
Punishment: Temporary or Permanent Ban.
You are expected to either serve your punishment out or appeal it on the forums in the Ban Appeals section.
Attempting to evade a ban or mute will result in a harsher punishment.
Evading a ban many times will result in a permanent ban.
If we have reasonable suspicion you are evading on a different IP, we reserve the right to deal with you as we see fit.
Your account is your responsibility. Don’t lend your account to a banned friend if you don’t want to be banned yourself.
Forging Information
Punishment: Permanent Ban.
This is blatantly dishonest and can deal a huge amount of damage to someone. We have no tolerance for it.
Creating fake evidence for a report or ban appeal.
Lying about a staff member’s actions.
Hacked Clients
Punishment: Temporary or Permanent Ban.
Logging onto the server with a Hacked Client.
Possessing a “Ghost client”.
In some cases, we may request you to screenshare. If you do not immediately accept, we reserve the right to ban you.
Punishment: Temporary or Permanent Ban.
Destroying other people’s creations or stealing their stuff makes the game less fun. Players are encouraged to utilize our claims system, and be careful of who they /trust to their claim.
Destroying things, stealing things, or creating undesirable structures near a claim is considered griefing.
Players should utilize our claims system to protect their land. Right-click on opposite corners of an area with a wooden shovel to create a claim.
Punishment: Temporary or Permanent Ban.
Having a player teleport or warp to a location through some means, and killing them before they had time to react.
Teleporting or warping to a player through some means, and killing them before they had time to react.
Misleading a player to get them to teleport or warp into a death trap through some means.
Punishment: Temporary or Permanent Ban.
If you make a deal, you are expected to hold your end of the bargain. Players are encouraged to take screenshots or recordings of all transactions.
Making a deal with a player involving a trade of goods or services, and not fulfilling your half of the deal.
Intentional Lag
Punishment: Kick, Temporary Ban, or Permanent Ban.
Entering an area and spamming it with items.
Creating a device that we believe was engineered to generate lag.
Emote/Command Spam
Punishment: Kick, Temporary Ban, or Permanent Ban.
Spamming a player with several emotes against their wishes.
Spamming emotes in chat.
Spamming commands in a way that affects other players (e.g. spamming /smite or /pay) may be punishable.
Illegal Items
Punishment: Temporary or Permanent Ban.
These items may provide an unfair advantage. If you turn them over to us instead of using them, we may chose not to punish you.
Refusing to turn over items that the player was not intended to be able to receive.
Trying to create store-exclusive items.
Bug Exploitation
Punishment: Kick, Temporary Ban, or Permanent Ban.
Doing anything that takes advantage of a bug, or something that goes against what’s intended to occur on the server.
Advertising a Bug to other players may be punishable with a mute.
Death Threats
Punishment: Temporary Mute, Temporary Ban, or Permanent Ban.
Telling someone to kill themselves.
Telling someone you will kill or harm them.
Wishing death upon someone, or telling someone to do something that would clearly result in death.
Punishment will vary depending on level of detail and past offenses.
Punishment: Temporary Mute, Temporary Ban, or Permanent Ban.
Spewing hate or using a slur.
Using a racial slur to fulfill a meme is not a valid excuse.
Using a slur, but censoring it partially with letters, numbers, or symbols.
Using the words n*g and n*gga. The word negro is not allowed when used alongside any english words.
Obstructing Staff Enforcement
Punishment: Punishment Varies at the Staff Member’s Discretion.
Moderators exist to do a job. Impeding them from doing their job is not beneficial to the server. If a staff member is asking you to do something illegal, please make a Staff Report in the player reports section.
Refusing to comply with a staff member.
Aiding or abetting someone in breaking a rule.
Inhibiting a Staff Member from doing their job.
Creating false reports.
Lying about a staff member’s actions for self-benefit.
Behaving like a moderator when you are not one may be punishable depending on the staff member’s wishes.
Telling a moderator how to perform their job may be punishable depending on circumstance.
Pretending to break a rule or “joking about it” does not entitle you to a repealed punishment.
Promoting Drama
Punishment: Temporary Mute.
Attempting to create/participate in drama that harasses a player.
Encouraging other people to make a scene and cause drama.
Attempting to start a riot for any reason.
Rioting in response to a decision by a Staff Member.
Punishment: Punishment Varies Depending on Situation.
Peppering a player with several comments made with the intent to annoy the player.
Stalking someone.
Being in someone’s claim/plot against a claim/plot owner/trustee’s wishes.
Repeatedly asking a player or staff member for ranks/items when they have stated they will not provide them.
Trying to circumvent /ignore to talk to a player.
Blackmailing a player.
Leaking information about someone that they didn’t want leaked.
Repeatedly asking a player for sex when they have said no.
Asking for nudes or to perform sexual acts on camera will result in a Permanent Ban.
Distributing nudes on the server will result in a Permanent Ban.
Doing anything that the majority of the senior staff can agree would count as harassment and be potentially harmful to a player.
Player Disrespect
Punishment: Temporary Mute, Temporary Ban, or Permanent Ban.
Players are encouraged to use the /ignore feature if being targeted by someone.
Insulting a player, their race, or their religion with many comments including racial slurs, profanity, and charged language.
Targeting a player with many hateful comments.
General Toxicity
Punishment: Punishment Varies at the Staff Member’s Discretion
Doing anything that the majority of the senior staff can agree is “toxic” and detrimental to the server.
Punishment: Warning or Temporary Mute
This makes it difficult for people to use public chat for talking/etc, and is very annoying.
Posting several messages within the span of approximately 10 seconds may be considered chatflooding depending on the situation.
Posting very similar messages approx. every 30 seconds is considered spam.
Character Spam
Punishment: Warning or Temporary Mute
This can also pose challenges for people trying to talk with each other in public chat, for the same reason as spam.
Typing random characters into chat.
Using L()()K and/or an arrow longer than approx. 5 characters.
Repeating certain letters in a word to make it longer.
Punishment: Warning or Temporary Mute
We do not need people yelling over each other, as it can inhibit people trying to converse in public chat.
Typing a message with too many capital letters in it.
Inappropriate Mapart
Punishment: Warning, Temporary Mute, Permanent Mute, Temporary Ban, Permanent Ban
This punishment can vary based on what it is. In general, map art may not violate any other server rules.
Homophobic or racist language in the map art.
Nudity (suggestive is fine).